The Right Design

Finding the perfect glass, ceramic or porcelain containers is one of the more fun aspects of entering the candle business. There are so many options out there to chose from. I often lay in bed and night scanning hundreds of pictures of candles on Pinterest. There has been may times where I wake up the next morning with my iPad out of battery life, laying by my side.

The hard work starts when I find something that looks truly amazing, and then have no idea where to find it. Most of the candle supplies companies carry the high volume sellers that everyone uses. I tried to customize these and never seems to hit the mark. I was very fortunate a few months ago to find an outstanding supplier who offered there assistance to help create some of my ideas. Additionally, I was able to find several options from a custom packaging company who was looking to partner with someone in the candle space.

Fast forward to today, I have some really nice minimalistic candles in the making. It just feels like it has taken forever to get to this point of our adventure, and I’m not there yet. With a little ways to go on finishing up a few business related aspects, I hope we will be live in a few more moths.

If you have any ideas for candles, containers designs or even if you know a suppliers that could help in the future. Drop me a message below.

Your feedback is appreciated and always welcomed


Its All About The Aroma